Pete Sharma Associates
Pete Sharma Associates Ltd was founded in October 2008. PSA is an educational consultancy and training organisation for language teachers. PSA runs courses worldwide for teachers of English as a Foreign Language, teacher trainers and academic managers on how to successfully integrate educational technology into their language courses. PSA also advises institutions on hardware and software for language teaching.
We have a core team of four directors who are responsible for ensuring that all PSA courses meet the highest standards of quality. The directors keep abreast of educational technology and liaise with the major hardware and software manufacturers and publishers. We use a number of associate trainers, specialised in integrating technology into language courses. Our activities are supported by many associate organisations including The Pyramid Group.

PSA directors
Paul East
is the founder and managing director of The Pyramid Group which offers a range of specialist English training (ESP) as well as providing translations and interpreting in 58 languages. He is also the owner of eBooks World, an online publishing venture. He is BESIG Joint Coordinator (world´s largest Business English teachers association), IATET President (International Association of Technical English Trainers), EULETA board member (European Legal English Teachers Association) and ELTAU president (English Language Teachers Association of Ulm/Neu-Ulm). Paul is also involved in numerous EU-funded projects as the commercial partner to the Technical University, Dresden.
Byron Russell
has over 25 years experience in the world of ELT, as teacher, teacher trainer and publisher, having worked in senior management positions with OUP, Berlitz and Pearson. For the past eight years he has been acting as a consultant on the commercial development of a variety of digital language teaching resources, including Macmillan’s innovative English Campus programme.
Pete Sharma
is a Lecturer at Oxford Brookes University, UK, and teaches on pre-sessional EAP (English for Academic Purposes) courses at Warwick University, UK. He recently gained his Masters in Education in using educational technology in language
teaching. He is a freelance author and teacher trainer, and worked for many years in business English. He has written books on technology in language teaching, including Blended Learning: using technology in and beyond the language classroom (Macmillan 2007) He writes a regular e-lesson which has thousands of subscribers around the world. Pete is the current Editor for the CALL Review, the newsletter of the Learning Technologies SIG of IATEFL.
Kevin Westbrook
has been involved in EFL since 1997 on a full-time basis and has experience in a wide range of English-teaching environments, from one-to-one to school children and executives, to small-group in-company, large classes in universities, EFL, TESOL, ESP, technical English and EAP. Over the last five years his interest in the practical use of technology in EFL in general, and blended learning in particular, has become more focussed. He wrote a regular column on blended learning in English Teaching Matters magazine and writes articles for Business Spotlight. He moderates a Yahoo! Group linked to his column, open to all, at
He completed a Masters in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching in 2007. Kevin is responsible for day-to-day technological matters in the company, such as the web site, wikis, etc.
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